Happy Favourites of the Week – Coffee and Tea

Sunny Day – I can’t remember how many times I’ve actually added sunny days in my happy favourites sections, but it is the one thing that makes me very happy! I left work for another day and went out for a several hour walk and a coffee outside. The sun just nourishes you from inside!

Happy Favourites of the Week - Coffee and Tea - byLiiL

Yoga – I’ve added this into happy favourites before as well. Combined with the sunshine yoga made me feel happy and calm. I actually fell asleep in one very good class. I felt so zen and relaxed! Fortunately, I didn’t start snoring but just dozed in and out of consciousness.

Figure Skating Championship 2017 – I love watching figure skating and the championship is watching the best from the best. Always exciting!

Happy Favourites of the Week - Coffee and Tea - byLiiL

Liquorice and Peppermint Tea – A new Lidl opened close by to our house just a couple weeks ago and I found this amazing tea from there! I love peppermint tea, but sometimes I like something different and this is just the perfect evening tea. The liquorice adds that little bit of sweetness to it as well. Yumm!

Greenery Coffee Table – I am absolutely in love with this coffee table that is easy to make yourself and it is filled with greenery! How lovely would such a coffee table be! I am filing this into my archives to make once I have a space for a coffee table!

Happy Favourites of the Week - Coffee and Tea - byLiiL

“When the Sky Meets the Earth” At Bikini Berlin – A gorgeous installation and a video. The colours are just lovely and I am very sad that I am not visiting Berlin at this time!


What were your happy favourites this week?

With love,


Happy favourites of the week – fashion, tea and spiders


Or my favourites/what made me happy this week!

This week has been a bit gloomy, mostly because of the weather, but I hope it will brighten towards the weekend. Never the less I have found several things that made me happy, inspired me or just became my favourite bits of the week. I know most bloggers do these by months, but I live more in the moment than that.


At the start of the week, I received the book I ordered from the book depository – Overdressed: The Shockingly high cost of cheap fashion by Elizabeth L. Cline. I have been waiting for a while to order this book and now I cannot wait to start reading it. Fashion and cheap fashion are such a big problem in the world, I wrote my dissertation partly on this subject as well, and wish to learn much much more about it! I promise to tell you more about the book once I’ve read it.


My favourite quote of the week is by Lisa Anne Stuyfzand. This quote is from an interview I read on Chapter Friday blog (btw, if you are not familiar with it yet go and check it out, it’s a great blog!). I can relate to this comment so well!


Scare of the week that made me also happy – a massive spider staring at me in my living room. Yes, I am scared of spiders. It is funny, though, we live on top floor of a tenement house, so you would imagine the big once would not find their ways there, but they do. And they can be massive! And why did this make me happy? I have not really seen spiders in our house for several months now, it must mean that spring is really here! Waiting for the cherry trees to bloom now!!


Yesterday I received a parcel from my mum, (I just love receiving parcels!!) and it made my day. She sent me two packs of my favourite loose leaf tea, some new chocolate by Fazer and treat collection lipstick. Just opening the parcel I was overwhelmed with the scent of the teas. It was a combination of amazing flowers, vanilla and some fruit, and I kept going back to smell the packaging because it was like the best perfume ever! It is quite funny actually that I live now in the country of tea lovers, and it is really difficult to find good quality green loose leaf tea, so my mum has to send it to me from Finland. Mate tea is probably quite familiar to most people, but this is not just any kind of mate tea, it is infused with lovely flowers which make it so delicious and not at all bitter, so yummy!! And the sen cha in paradise flavour is my new love! Infused with flowers and papaya, it is a green tea lover’s dream! Treat collection is new to me as a brand, but I promise to write a review about it soon!!


The best find of the week was done actually just a few minutes ago. These lovely marble coasters with gold by the FiddleLeaf shop! I have been looking for really nice coasters for so long now, and I think I finally found the ones I love. Now I will be dreaming of them until I have a coffee table so there is a purpose for them! They are really reasonably priced as well with under £25 for 4, although they are shipped from Australia so the shipping fees can be pretty high. But aren’t they beautiful!!

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And the last, but not least. My cat has been really anxious lately because it is spring and he wants to go out (not a good idea). Yesterday, however, it seemed that he was more relaxed in the bedroom, so I moved my working station there and he laid there purring happily next to me. So adorable!!


Well, here you see. Even with my gloomy week I had many things to be happy about. Now I will have a relaxing weekend! We are planning to go see the new Jungle Book movie and eat some treats, yey!!


How was your week?

With love,
