6 Santa’s Helpers

Christmas is a busy time and sometimes even the best of us can have trouble coming up with gift’s or how to hide your presents until the last minute. Here I have compiled some tips for you, hope they will be of some help to you!

6 Santa's helpers - byLiiL


I have trouble with missing deliveries when I have ordered a parcel, or that my partner is at home when they arrive. Not much of a surprise, is it? Doddle is excellent for this. They are located all over the UK and it is like a post office. You send your parcels there and collect them from the shop you sent it to when it is convenient to you. They even have deals with many shops from which they deliver to Doddle for free. So easy and so far I have been able to keep my presents a secret!

Minimalist Christmas Gift Guide

Excellent for alternative gift options and in avoiding buying presents that people do not need! By Sarah Nourse and by FemmeHead.

6 Santa's helpers - byLiiL

UK Independent Shopping Guide

I have linked this before, but I do think it is a great compilation of independent shops.

To lists and be organised

Yes, I know some people do not like this, but I love making lists on my phone because they help me be more organised and they are always with me. At the moment I have a list of what food I want to have for Christmas, according to it what ingredients I need to buy and what presents I still need to buy. In addition, I start buying some ingredients early on to reduce my stress right before Christmas. Such as crackers, wine, nuts and so on. Make some of the food beforehand if you can, that will reduce the time you spend in the kitchen on the actual Christmas!

6 Santa's helpers - byLiiL

Periodical Cleaning

Do not leave all your holiday cleaning on to the last day before Christmas, but do some of it before hand. We like to take it a room at a time (except for vacuuming) and so cleaning does not feel as daunting right before Christmas.


I find that easy way to decorate your house for a season is by adding small things. Christmas flowers, fairy lights and candles bring enough coziness and festivity into our home and it is pretty easy to do.


Do you have any other suggestions as Santa’s helpers to assist other readers?

With love,
